about the HISTORY
Built in 1852
The Land...
In 1831 The government under the law of President Andrew Jackson sold 150 acres to the private ownership of Maria Augusta Boschert. Augusta married Joseph Schneider one of the first German settlers to pioneer the Cottleville / St. Peters MO area.
The House...
The historic 170-year-old home was built in 1852, after many successful years of farming. The substantial 2 story brick home was built on a prestigious spot with rolling hills, near a spring with 2 creeks on both sides. now known as High Point Acres.
8 Children later ;) ....
The farm was left to their youngest daughter, Mary Magdalena Schnieder. Who married Louis Zerr in 1865.
11 Children later ;) ...
Mary Magdalena was left a widow when Louis died in 1902, while the younger boys were still quite young, and proved equal to the task of raising them well.
In the 1930's the Zerr family consolidated their farms along Willott road, and in 1940 sold this farm to Johann Herman Dennigmann.
By the 1950's the farm land had already begun being sold and split up into what is known today as High Point Acres sub-division. All that was left of the once 150 acre farm was 10 acres. The McInturff family came along just in time to purchase the farmhouse and the remaining 10 acres.
In 2020 a rehabber must have been listening to my prayers and rehabbed the home and property back into something magical and beyond my wildest dreams. A complimentary masterpiece of old and new was transformed.
Sept 2, 2022 - My Prayers Were Answered!
Farmland Purchased
Augusta Boschert Married
Farmhouse Built
Zerr's Take Ownership
McInturff's Take Ownership
Rehabber Take Ownership
Greenwood's Take Ownership
Maria Augusta Boschert purchased the land from the government.
Maria Augusta Boschert married Joseph Schneider
Schneider's Build Farmhouse
The farm was left to Mary Magdalena Schneider (youngest daughter of Augusta and Joseph Schneider) who married Louis Zerr
Farmland began being sold off as High Point Acres Subdivition
Arthur McInturff buys farmhouse and last 10 acres.
Rehabber does something AMAZING!
My dreams become a reality